FCS II Mid Carver 2+1 PG Fins
Surfboard Fins by FCS Fins
• The Midlength thruster set was designed for boards set up with a standard thruster configuration.
• The set is made up of the Carver XL side fins which produce exception drive and hold, and the Performer Large centre fin which is known as a versatile and reliable fin in all conditions.
• When paired together, the set will produce incredible drive and hold off the bottom with a predictable feel off the top.
• The combined area of this set allows surfers to hold a longer turn and maintain control as they move and adjust their feed position on these longer boards.
• The Performance Glass materials also makes this set a great option for bigger, heavier surfers wanting a stiffer and highly responsive thruster set.
• Thruster set for mid-lengths
• Carver XL Sides + Performer Large Centre
• Traditional PG Materials
• Open face, down-the-line waves, particularly good in point and reef breaks.
• Carver: Find Power. Powerful, drawn-out turns with added hold.
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